ERA – 111598 – 040699
Album #: 13
Recording Dates: 1998-1999
Release Date: 1999
Catalog: SF
In 1998 former Hidden frontman Brian M. got married, and at his wedding I met up with Sheep Fiend guru Brian C. – who I had met in the early 90’s when the Brians shared an apartment. He told me about the whirling wave of confusion and glory that is the Sheep Fiends and I proceeded to start showing up at jams – and I’ve continued showing up for eleven years and counting.
This was the first Sheep Fiends CD I put together and includes a rather overblown montage of my first jam on November 15th, 1998. A very rough recording done on a Walkman and some really quickly thrown together cover is what you get here. Here’s what the Fiends sounded like before mixing boards and preamps became the norm.
One Track Sampler
Track 10 – Sea of Nothin’ (Sheep Fiends) – Brian M. freestyles some spiteful misery while I plunk out some funky guitar. [Scratch on Guitar]