Sheep Fiends – 7 on 15

Album #: 64

Recording Dates: 08/25/2007

Release Date: 2007

Catalog: SF


This is a fairly unique record that includes acoustic guitar and vocals from two-time attendee Des; a freaking trombone player, and rhythmically consistent songs played along with drum samples. We were closing in on our multi-track studio, but this is a strong mix for our two-track era.
























Three Track Sampler

Track 06 – Having a Great Fall (The Sheep Fiends) – Acoustic guitar and trombone punctuate this track sung by Sheep Fiend short timer Des based on the legends of Humpty Dumpty. My spooky guitar and Mark’s mandolin add to the ambiance and a few parts actually get a bit reminiscent of Pink Floyd – which you’d expect would happen with the Sheep Fiends sometimes but really does not.  [Scratch on Guitar]

Track 09Chapel of Regrets (The Sheep Fiends) – Drumlessness is a way of life. At least is is on this short instrumental.  [Scratch on Keyboard]

Track 13Weirdos in the Band (The Sheep Fiends) – A sort of theme song with Brian M. summarizing the reality of being a Sheep Fiend.  [Scratch on Guitar]