Category: The Scratchrock Collection

MX Skroch – Scratchrock Volume XVII

Album #: 94 Recording Dates: 2012 – 2014 Release Date: 2018 Catalog: SMR 34 ScratchNotes: After the artistic and recreational success of Sheep Fiends’ “Farm Jam” the group was eager for an encore…every single year! Aaron and Mark joined in on year two and thereafter. Matt joined the caravan in 2013. For the fourth Farm Jam I fell ill …

MX Skroch – Scratchrock Volume XVI

Album #: 88 Recording Dates: 2010 – 2011 Release Date: 2015 Catalog: SMR 33 ScratchNotes: I finally got back into doing music regularly, but it primarily took the form of mixing multi-track Sheep Fiend recordings. The Rumpus Room Studio was fully functional and capturing everything. Good fortune shone upon us as Brian M got to know the evocative and personable …

Scratchrock Volume XV

Album #: 74 Recording Dates: 2005-2009 Release Date: 2010 Catalog: SMR31 ScratchNotes: These 15 tracks come from just seven jams that I attended between 2005 and 2009 – six Sheep Fiends events and one guest appearance with the Poker Night String Band. The most notable musical development that occurred during this period was the evolution of the Rumpus Room …

Scratchrock Volume XIV

Album #: 50 Recording Dates: 2001-2004 Release Date: 2005 Catalog: SMR22 ScratchNotes: By 2001 my musical activities had slowed to a pace that only the Sheep Fiends could fill. There are numerous reasons why this volume that covers four full years is comprised of only live performances. The economy fell apart and my career was in serious jeopardy. …

Scratchrock Volume XIII

Album #: 32 Recording Dates: 1999 – 2000 Release Date: 2001 Catalog: SMR18 ScratchNotes: Recording with the Sheep Fiends increasingly made up the bulk of my musical output as my free time turned to other endeavours.  A sick fascination with the stock market ensued, and an emotional obsession was fostered by way of the rise …

Scratchrock: An Abridged Testimonial (2CD set)

Album #: 27 Recording Dates: 1986-1999 Release Date: 2000 Catalog: SMR16 ScratchNotes: What you are holding is a testimony. It is a memory. It is an egocentric creation prepared especially for your indulgence. Eleven incarnations, Forty-three manifestations, Fourteen years of praise. Twelve compact discs capture the complete tale in words, song, and imagery. You are …

Scratchrock Volume XII

Album #: 17 Recording Dates: 1998-1999 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR13 ScratchNotes: I graduated from school, got married, landed a decent job and moved back to the dirty city. Our landlord spent every night for two months in our apartment installing a furnace. I ran into Brian C. at former Hidden voiceman Brian M.’s wedding. …

Scratchrock Volume XI

Album #: 15 Recording Dates: 1996-1997 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR11 ScratchNotes: I was getting straight A’s at my joke of a school, but my musical productivity was lacking.  A band formed with Joe G., his comrade Kirk K., and a singing lawyer named Tony.  We were off to a fairly good start, when some …

Scratchrock Volume X

Album #: 12 Recording Dates: 1995 – 1996 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR10 ScratchNotes: I signed up at ITT Tech, but had eight months to kill.  Working by night, I slaved away at unconventional pop music while the sun glistened.  An experiment with the future Ms. Skroch was recorded.  “The Monstrosity” was born. Former Hidden …

Scratchrock Volume IX

Album #: 11 Recording Dates: 1994 – 1995 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR09 ScratchNotes: Climbing aboard a shit-brown truck dubbed the “Urban Assault Vehicle Turdcutter”, the Hidden began a two week U.S. tour.  Colorado, Texas, New Mexico…the band played six shows in fourteen days for around $300 in payment.  A video tour documentary was created …

Scratchrock Volume VIII

Album #: 10 Recording Dates: 1993 – 1994 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR08 ScratchNotes: Sales of “Stop. I’m bleeding.” proved that the Hidden was truly an underground band.  The band and their art guru, “Saint” Allen Oaks, moved into a house on Chicago’s Northside that leaned excessively.  They set up shop in their cracked foundation …

Scratchrock Volume VII

Album #: 08 Recording Dates: 1992 – 1993 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR07 ScratchNotes: In a brazen attempt to rocket to the top of the charts, the Hidden replaces Paul M. with the more marketable Brian M.  The new lineup releases the “Bone of Contention” EP in late ’92.  They make the first of many …

Scratchrock Volume VI

Album #: 06 Recording Dates: 1991 – 1992 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR06 ScratchNotes: I bought crappy used 4-track and immediately began exploring sonic oddity.  The dissolution of Brain Plug had left me with a heap of creative energy, but no outlet.  I played with samples and acoustic guitars, and while the results are less …

Scratchrock Volume IV

Album #: 04 Recording Dates: 1990 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR04 ScratchNotes: During the first Brain Plug rehearsal, the band was already tight.  The musical rapport between Joe G., Brian L. and myself had always existed. It was now being realized. In a few hours nearly all of the most progressive Raging Bellybuttons material was …

Scratchrock Volume III

Album #: 03 Recording Dates: 1989 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR03 ScratchNotes: In-between intermittent spurts of the Raging Bellybuttons, Brian P. and I hooked up for a project featuring electronic drums and guitar.  Plans were made to segue James Taylor’s “Sunny Skies” into Slayer’s “Raining Blood”, but it never happened.  We considered calling ourselves Hugs …

Scratchrock Volume II

Album #: 02 Recording Dates: 1988 – 1989 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR02 ScratchNotes: The Raging Bellybuttons find their voice (well, Scratch and Joe do while Kenny wears a T-shirt on his head).  Bad fashion and lousy but enthusiastic renditions of songs by the Doors, Blondie, and Slayer.  “Soundgarden Song” wasn’t a cover, just an …

Scratchrock Volume I

Album #: 01 Recording Dates: 1986 – 1987 Release Date: 1999 Catalog: SMR01 ScratchNotes: Libertyville High School has spawned a number of splendid guitar players. While Tom Morello and Adam Jones were off perfecting their tones, the No-Name Band was rocking the field house with one rehearsal (in a church) under their belt. Feedback and …