Category: 2010s – Early

MX Skroch – Scratchrock Volume XVII

Album #: 94 Recording Dates: 2012 – 2014 Release Date: 2018 Catalog: SMR 34 ScratchNotes: After the artistic and recreational success of Sheep Fiends’ “Farm Jam” the group was eager for an encore…every single year! Aaron and Mark joined in on year two and thereafter. Matt joined the caravan in 2013. For the fourth Farm Jam I fell ill …

Sheep Fiends – Farm Out, Man

Album #: 91 Recording Dates: 2011 – 2015 Release Date: 2016 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: The first five farm jams events resulted in a huge collection of recordings. We realized each farm jam had a few tracks we were fond of that did not make it on the official album. So that’s the rabbit hole that led to this collection …

MX Skroch – Scratchrock Volume XVI

Album #: 88 Recording Dates: 2010 – 2011 Release Date: 2015 Catalog: SMR 33 ScratchNotes: I finally got back into doing music regularly, but it primarily took the form of mixing multi-track Sheep Fiend recordings. The Rumpus Room Studio was fully functional and capturing everything. Good fortune shone upon us as Brian M got to know the evocative and personable …

Sheep Fiends – Ziggarnaut Paradox

Album #: 86 Recording Dates: 2010 – 2014 Release Date: 2014 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: This is our final CD recorded at Brian’s amazing Rumpus Room studio. There is a certain sadness to the songs as we end a major era. While largely recorded in 2014 this also features some real bangers from recent years that hadn’t yet been revealed …

Sheep Fiends – Gathering the Ghosts

Album #: 85 Recording Dates: 2013 Release Date: 2014 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: This album captures a rather successful reunion with Sheep Fiends powerhouse Dave Ladd after several years of absence. One of our spookier releases for sure as paranoia and horror dominate the lyrical content while some creepy instrumentals tie it all together like rusty chains on a long …

Sheep Fiends – The Seventeenths

Album #: 80 Recording Dates: 2011-2012 Release Date: 2012 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: Recorded at two jams exactly six months apart on the 17ths, this CD overall has a heavier, darker sound. Perhaps it’s just more dense. You get five different vocalists across fourteen total tracks. Sample tracks from three singers are featured below, as well as an appearance …

Rooster Davis Trio – The Rooster Davis Trio

Album #: 79 Recording Dates: 2011 Release Date: 2011 Catalog: Bandcamp release ScratchNotes: The Rooster Davis Trio accidentally came together over the course of 2011. Faiz moved into Brian’s building and soon learned about the Sheep Fiends that lurked in the basement. The two of them recorded some jams and began doing a bit of overdubbing. I was then …

Sheep Fiends – Numerolostrology

Album #: 77 Recording Dates: 9/11/2010 Release Date: 2011 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: This CD captures what happened one Sunday on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 somewhere in Chicago. Faiz continues bringing compelling audio confusion to the party and we ended up playing with a fellow from Brazil who came by as well. It’s quite a varied collection of improvisation …

Sheep Fiends – Looking Back

Album #: 76 Recording Dates: 06/12/2010 Release Date: 2010 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: This one has a perfect album title. A very nostalgic jam finds me revealing my activities during Gerald Ford’s inauguration; followed by rage about my stolen backyard and the totality of my past. Meanwhile the weird atmospheric epic “Eyes Wide Like Saucers” recounts a frightening event in …

Sheep Fiends – American Sweetheart

Album #: 75 Recording Dates: 01/23/2010 Release Date: 2010 Catalog: SF ScratchNotes: This is a pretty strong jam CD from 2010. We’d grown comfortable with the Rumpus Room studio and felt free to create without stress. Several dirges anchor this heavy record while the topics of outer space isolation, obsessive collecting, the American Dream and nightmares of spiders unfold …